Ride Report STR Invasion of Marshall Canyon

I had a great time today. I want to thank everyone who helped with the ride but I the list would be way way to long.

We have to do this again.
It looked like all the newbies had a great time and learned a lot about mtn biking.

Just a thought
After watching all the newbies have a great time learning.

One day I would like to start a multi level gravity camp that is affordable and fun. I have many Ideas. With a little expert support I think I can get it going.
I have designed a Dial a drop ramp system that will make it easy for anyone to learn to do drops of any size. Ranging from 1 foot to 8 foot.
I think we have enough experienced locals do get something together.
Depending on where I end up working it could be supported by a manufacture and maybe a local shops. I have been thinking about this for around a year.
PM me and let me know if it sounds like something any of you would be interested in.
First order of business, thanks for settin' this one up Gene, it was a great ride and a lot of cool folks. Also thanks to the leaders and sweepers, nice job. :beer:

This was THE longest ride I have done in over 1 1/2 years but I must say I made it to the top a lot easier then I had expected and all the regroups helped out, the climb wrecked my legs and I am still feeling it, although in a good way.
Although, when we were on that last climb to the gate and I turned around to see Gene sprinting up the road to catch up, it gave me another goal to work towards, being able to climb like that.

The descent was a blast but being my first ride there I was unsure of what to expect so I followed but still had a blast.

This is also the first trail ride I have been on with Nancy and Rog, EVER, when ever we met is was always at the races. Great riding with the two of you and I will definitely be headed down that way for some rides with you soon.

It was a pleasure to meet the few new riders I did but next time on a ride would you please not snap my photo during or just after a climb? ;) It's bad enough when rested.

One thing that I found pretty dang funny, when clumpymold went down, the paparazzi wearing a white and red jersey (do not know the rider) showed up before the dust settled. There were already 4 others around helping but you can always expect the camera to show up when riding with a group. :lol:

Oh yeah, good to hear no major injuries occurred. :beer:
Nice mellow day, the canyon was nice and green and it got a little warm on the last couple of climbs.
A big boo to the knucklehead that blew by me on the downhill singletrack without saying anything….un-cool.

Yes, great day out there and a great turn-out. For most part, the event was injury free. For those who did go down and get scraped up, hope you're up and running in to time.

That knuckle head went by my left with no warning, passed another rider between you and I with no warning, then I noticed he's trying to squeeze by you and you were already on the far left side, there was maybe a foot opening at best. He never called "passing on your left" to you or anyone. From my vantage point, you were inches from being bumped and possibly thrown off your bike. So stupid! I too took offense to it and yelled at him to slow down. This is a social ride; not a race or a pissing contest. I don't know who that kid was but if that was you who was aggressively passing riders on the downhill, don't ever do that and jeopardize other riders safety again! Just plain ol' stupid and completely unnecessary! You're liable to get humbled real quick with that kind of anti-socialization.

Nice to meet you, Dean as well as a ton of other STR folks.

Mike, you're welcome for the "soda."

Damn, BrewMaster knows a little too much about beer. Kind of frightening! :lol:

Thanks to Gene, Nancy, Roger, Mike, CC and all who helped organize the ride and manage it along the way.
Those classic cars in downtown LV were so sweet. Very cool sight!
Wow, definitely a BIG group. Awesome ride and great company. Great meeting all the new faces. Also great seeing the big turnout of beginners, including my wife. Hope to see you out there again soon. Not much of a RR but here are a few of my pictures.
Adrienne and I, as I said, this was her 2nd ride (Bonelli was first) and while she was struggling she still had a great time.

That's very cool that you brought your wife to the ride. I'm sorry I didn't get to meet you and your wife. Thanks for posting the pics and the good RR.

P.S. that one little kicker of you getting some good air is where (I think) Davidb had a garage sale on Thursday and managed to split his helmet in two.
one of my homies arriving, Speckledtrout

Yuka and her man she dragged along

Katonk (left) and Jox2 (right)

local unkola looking tough

Fellow deal finder on lowest prices who gave me some inside info, Brewmaster

Half the people or so at the first regroup, love the canopy

B Group leader, Denmother

JoeTruth, another fellow "honest" homie...:-k

self proclaimed F- class, Steamrolen

2nd regroup (sort of), waiting for a bunch more to come

Pugz with the greatest smile ever


more to come in a bit when i figure out this technical difficulty.
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IF there is an STR calendar for 2009, I think this shot is worthy:


Well done David, very nice.
Okay, the ride yesterday was a BLAST! :bang:Sorry, no photos... I was so busy riding and meeting people, the camera never came out.

Showing-up to the parking lot an hour early, I got the opportunity to meet a number of STR folks (CC, Pain Freak, Hugh, Andy, OMR, Gene, and Godfather George to name a few).

Once the 'B' group headed out, it quickly became apparent that we had a huge group. Commented a jogger who stopped while we rode past up the trail: "God damn!" The regroups were lengthy, with those of us in front waiting 10 minutes or more for everybody to arrive (and once we started some of the shadeless climbs in the heat, these rests were fine with me :)). Eventually, a dozen or so of us out front became the "B+" group.

At the end of the singletrack descent through the forest (with numerous cool stream crossings), we got back to the parking lot, where Warriors Society folks had ice chests with cold sodas. :clap: I asked someone with a computer about the route we had just ridden: 14.7 miles, 2200 ft. of climbing, 2hrs 45minutes. This was the longest ride i've done since getting out of the sport in 1992 (I just started riding again this year), and riding my local trails 2-3 times a week seems to be paying-off, as I felt fine for the entire ride.

A number of us met at T.Philips for lunch, where the fun continued. The cherry on the cake was when I walked back to my truck and stopped by a thrift shop, and found a very rare psych LP for a dollar.

Big THANKS to Gene for puting this thing on, also to CC, Roger and everyone else who made the ride possible. Bravo!
more random stuff








team Volkswagen catching up













apparently i have more #-olol

tried to get a bunch of the UN-familiar faces today, so here's some more





and i'm spent :beer:
Denmother reporting in

Wow, what a grand event it was! Thanks Gene for setting it up and to everyone who helped lead, direct traffic and sweep. It was an honor to be chosen to lead the beginning of the B/C Group. My heart rate was at 170+ for all of the climbing!!!

My apologies for our group not being as organized as it could have been. I discovered that the route I planned was not the route that most of the locals usually ride. I hope that everyone enjoyed themselves and that you will come out and ride with us again!

Special props to Brenda for getting right back on the bike after her recent helicopter ride and for conquering her downhill demons!!! And to Zack (Project_d's son) who had a slow start but ended up doing great! You'll be faster than your dad someday......And to Julia, you did awesome on the downhill switchbacks, way to go girl!!!

It was a pleasure meeting all of the new folks and getting to see many of you again. Matt, thanks for coming out and joining us, I know you weren't disappointed.

Until the next time....

Your loving Denmother. ;)
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that was my first MTB ride ever. i havent road a bike since 6th grade up until last month i starting commuting.

yall seem like a nice group. i can see the rides being more fun if i can make a few friends.

i went with the B group and started in the back, i didnt want to get in anyones way. but at the 1st regroup i jumped out in front to avoid the crowd.

i followed a couple guys to the left and we went up some really really steap trails. i was thinking to myself, man, the big group is going to get messed up here and bottle neck.

it kicked my butt but i didnt fall off my bike, when i got to the top thinking i did good and was ahead of the group, i saw that i was now at the back of the group because the group took the right and went the easy way.

then at the next regroup i headed to the left because i heard it was easier, when i almost reached the top, i found myself alone and not sure what to do. i saw a sign that said, marshall canyon to the right. so i took it. it was a narly loose rock steap downhill all the way back to the 2nd regroup.

there i was by myself again. so this time i took the right trail and went up the mountain again!

by the time i reached the top, the B group had done their loop and come back. so then i followed everyone back home. that was the funnest part. i got behind a few of those guys in brown jerseys and bombed it back thru the trail.

good times!:wave:
Wow, this is always such a fun ride, and it was even better with all you STR peeps. We even had special appearance from some homies who came down from SLO. I wanted to take a LOT more pics, but I was just having way too much fun. So here's a few that I clicked off:

A look to the left just before the ride started

And a look to the right

Small Fry (my son, Zach) coming down one of the steep rollers, not looking too bad if I do say so myself!

Shortly after the B group started heading down, we came to our spot o'carnage. I can't remember your name, but you looked good!!!

Look closely at the slices in his elbow...it was WAY uglier in person!

Look between the hands, and you'll see the blood turning the water pink.

But, he ended with a smile on his face

One last pic of Small Fry

Let's do this ride again!!!
I had a great time today. I want to thank everyone who helped with the ride but I the list would be way way to long.

We have to do this again.
It looked like all the newbies had a great time and learned a lot about mtn biking.

One day I would like to start a multi level gravity camp that is affordable and fun. I have many Ideas. With a little expert support I think I can get it going.
I have designed a Dial a drop ramp system that will make it easy for anyone to learn to do drops of any size. Ranging from 1 foot to 8 foot.
I think we have enough experienced locals do get something together.
Depending on where I end up working it could be supported by a manufacture and maybe a local shops. I have been thinking about this for around a year.
PM me and let me know if it sounds like something any of you would be interested in.

THis is great.....but what does it really have to do with the Marshall Canyon ride? I saw you have another thread promoting this as well.

:-k :?: ;)
Man that guy with the cut on his face looked like he had blood on every one of his limbs after the ride! Hope your ok and a few cuts and bruises doesn't keep you from coming out to ride again!

I would like to thank all 100+ riders for going to Marshall on saturday...It made our ride at San Juan Trail unreal....we saw only 3 riders the entire day...and they were at Cocktail Rock...we did pass 3 senor joggers a;so...again Thanks to all for making our ride crowdless....lol

I would like to thank all 100+ riders for going to Marshall on saturday...It made our ride at San Juan Trail unreal....we saw only 3 riders the entire day...and they were at Cocktail Rock...we did pass 3 senor joggers a;so...again Thanks to all for making our ride crowdless....lol

My/Our pleasure.

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