Is riding solo risky?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by quikflip27, Dec 28, 2009.

  1. Fewinhibitions

    Fewinhibitions Always be a moving target

    Feb 27, 2009
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    great diary!

    thanks for posting the link!
  2. KonaDawgDeluxe

    KonaDawgDeluxe REKE/DMC

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    Thanks for posting this. Its an awesome read.
  3. nerdgirl

    nerdgirl Ronin

    Sep 10, 2009
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    So this morning while I was waiting for my train, this lady I see every day said that she was watching When Animals Attack last night and thought of me. I guess 3 or 4 years ago a mountain lion killed a mountain biker and dragged him into the bushes, then shortly after attacked a woman who was riding. This was in Irvine somewhere. I told her that where I ride I am more concerned about rattlesnakes and psychopaths! lol

    Kind of timely though, considering the thread
  4. genusmtbkr5

    genusmtbkr5 STR Moderator

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    It happened in Whiting Ranch. The rider killed was Mark Reynolds and the rider attacked was Anne H. I know Anne very well and she still rides there. There is also a bench dedicated to Mark at the top of Dreaded Hill.

    Pic by xhuskr

    Here is Anna folding the Luge flag along with mpmffitz that we retired this past Veteran's day

    Pic by Vickie
  5. dirtyjeff

    dirtyjeff The same, but different

    Aug 15, 2008
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    REBAR? what?
    This happened at Whiting, I think there was a thread if you want to search for it.

    Oop! Gene beat me to it
  6. Cavemandave

    Cavemandave New Member

    Jul 31, 2009
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    I ride alone quite often, along with a fully stocked pack, tubes, lubes, tools, patch kit, extra food, knife, whistle, emergency light, space blanket, extra gloves, glucose (I'm diabetic) wind breaker, 100oz of water, and a SPOT
    I have never had to activate the emergency mode on the SPOT, the peace of mind it provides my wife is worth the price for me alone! In addition to all of this I always tell someone where I am riding and when I intend to return!
    In 20+ years of riding I have seen two mountain lions, both in the San Gabes, both at dusk. I am sure more mountain lions have seen me than I have seen them. One piece of advise in regards to mountain lions: If you must stop on the trail, be aware of your back! If you must stoop down to work on your bike or anything else, try to have your back to a tree, cliff, dense brush etc. If a lion attacks it will most likely come from behind you.
  7. kioti

    kioti Active Member

    Nov 18, 2008
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    I don't understand the question.
    Trabuco Canyon
    (I'm just jumping in here, so forgive me if this has all been said before.)

    Riding in a group on road bikes can offer the advantage of greater efficiency, if the riders are relatively well matched in fitness and motivation, and know how to work together.

    Mountain biking in a group doesn't usually include drafting, so I guess the advantages would lean toward safety, or the perception of safety. If the question is one of routefinding, then going with someone familiar with the area would help. But along with that, there could be a factor of competition, and riders might feel the need to ride beyond their ability (negating the benefit of being on the right trail). I'd rather be disoriented than injured.

    As for plain old injury, unless your injury is serious and you're riding with a fully-equipped medic, you've still got to fend for yourself. Minor injuries are common, and can be taken care of at home. Medium injuries could require help from riding partners, or a determined rider who can deal with being hurt and still get home.

    Serious injuries while solo (or in a group) can be fatal, on the trails as anywhere. There are no guarantees in life. If your riding partners can keep level heads, and have some first aid training, they might be able to help. If they act impulsively, or move you unnecessarily, they could compound your problems. At the least, they should be able to call for help (if there is coverage), or ride out for help. At this point, its important they know how to direct the rescue operation to your location, as time may be a factor in your survival.

    Another aspect of riding alone vs. in a group is your ability to solve problems and adjust to changing conditions. Its a good idea to be familiar with your bicycle, and be able to fix mechanical problems, flats, etc. Its also a good idea to stay on top of conditions around you, such as changes in the weather, and make adjustments to your planned ride accordingly.
  8. DirtymikeTDB

    DirtymikeTDB Guest

    Box springs, once on Mtrail, twices on spring trail... Angelous oaks, once at THG, once right at the stroe, onces on the postal loop, Reche canyon, right on the damn road as it was charging a donkey, Crestline to silverwood.... twice in random locations, behind crafton hills, right on the fireroad climb, Personally havent seen any at Hulda crooks, but have been shown pictures that theya re there as well..

    Let me share some scary info. Mtn lions are a pretty solitary animal, they cover a large expanse for their teritory, people dont like to admit it, but Socal in general has WAY to many mtn lions for the square miles we have. Between DOnkeys, pigs, and other wild animals, they are plenty healthy.

    Problem with too many in an area is it makes them a bit mo0e aggresive while hunting, so they are more inclined to attack a human.

    I know this isnt the thread for it, but let me offer some advice to keep yourself from getting attacked

    1, make alot of noise when you ride
    2, know what their favorite locations lok like
    3, know the wildlife.... the prey food will give you an idea of the predators
    4, look for the signs in the area, scat, tracks ETC
    5, DONT RUN if you encounter one, stand your ground, put your bike over your head<yes, jus tlike a bear> if it charges you anyways, stuff your bike around its head. THEN run.
    5.1, if you do carry a gun, fire a shot into a tree or into the ground nearby, it will scare and run of the cat, obviously if it charges, shoot the cat.
    6, USE YOUR BRAIN, think about what your doing, and were you are at.

    <only talking about black bears here>
    Bears. Ok this is more of a moot point in socal, we have black bears, they are generally a very timid animal and will usually run at the sight of a human. It is not a defenite, so be aware of the signs of when they WILL attack.

    1, Momma bear with cubs. Keep your distance, if you spot a cub on the trail, keep clear, momma is close by and watching. Stop, look around to see if you see momma, slowly make more distance between you, the cub, and momma, then hi tail it out. they have a hell of a sprint so show your not a threat, then leave
    2, when they are feeding. If you see a group of bears digging through the trash, or tearing up a fruit tree, that is a bad time to be near them.
    3, when humans in the area are feeding the bears. This takes away the bears natural fear of humans, so again, know your area.

    Defense of bears, if they are holding their ground, and you need to get away.
    1, bear spray is actually very effective, problem is, your generally pretty close to the bear for it to work, but since we dont all carry it, there is more you can do
    2, again, STOP, dont run. Put your bike over your head, make yourself appear to be bigger than you really are, make alot of noise, yell scream ETC.
    2.1, if riding with a group, one or two should grab some small stones/rocks and throw them near the bear, NOT AT THE BEAR, near the bear to make random noises. This will sppok the bear and distract his/her concentration. Making them think about multiple happenings and they will leave.
    3, same with Mtn lions, if you carry a gun, fire a shot into a tree, or into the ground near the bear. It will spook them off, obviously if it charges.... shoot the bear

    FOr both Mtn lions and bears. If you are charged, and attacked. While most people like to say its already too late, I am not a quitter, I will fight till the bitter end. so here are some things you can do to get away once being attacked.

    1, fight dirty. Know the weak areas of the animals. Eyes, underside of the mouth, nose... If all you have is your hands.....Dig away at any of those areas you can reach.. Litterally sticking your fingers in a bears nose can save youe life, or its eyes... Gouge, dig whatever
    2, your bike and personal items are replaceable. Throw your bike at the animal with force. I know it wont really do alot of damage, but the hit will usually throw them off.
    3, if you carry a knife, first off, it of coarse should always be sharp. STAB AWAY. Anything you can get, go crazy with it, get it out slice and dice. usually if you get one good stab they will stop and run off.
    4, PUCNH AND KICK. If your able to see the animal charge you from the front. as it comes close, if you have no other alternative, either bring your foot up super hard into there noce/jaw, or punch down super hard into the top of the snouts or end of the nose. DO NOT HESITATE, this can be the difference between just getting a swipe, and getting caught up in teh jaws and thrown around.

    5, and this is most important..... GET HELP ASAP afgter the happening.
  9. portlypeddler

    portlypeddler Active Member

    Feb 6, 2009
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    Wow, thanks for taking the time to be so comprehensive, really appreciate it.:clap:

    You've had some stimulating encounters through your riding days. Stay safe!

    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 30, 2009
  10. dirtvert

    dirtvert Whine on!

    Oct 24, 2007
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    one note about mark's attack: if you read the link in cilantro13's post (#37), there is pretty good evidence that he died from a heart attack, and that the cat was just being opportunistic.

    the analogy that i like is surfing/swimming in socal and being worried about sharks. either way you're way more likely to die in your car on your commute than to die enjoying your sport.


    Odds of dating a supermodel: 88,000 to 1

    Odds of becoming a saint: 20,000,000 to 1

    Chance of dying from ignition or melting of nightwear: 1 in 30,589,556

    Chance of dying from a mountain lion attack in California: 1 in 32,000,000

    this is why--as i await my sainthood--i sleep naked when i date supermodels. safety first!
  11. Brandy

    Brandy New Member

    Apr 13, 2009
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    There were the 1986 attacks in Caspers too. All of it pretty close to home for those of us that ride in Orange County.
  12. Ladd Jasper

    Ladd Jasper Full speed, half blind

    Feb 12, 2005
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    That is a shiteload of mountain lion sightings. I know guys that have ridden 25+ years and not seen one.

    To clarify--this isn't what you consider a mountain lion, right?


    Just saying mountain lion sightings are rare is all. Almost as rare as bears holding bikes over their heads:

  13. dirtvert

    dirtvert Whine on!

    Oct 24, 2007
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    sorry- meant to say on adults. and i checked and there have been a few other attacks on adults. still, pretty long odds.
  14. Brandy

    Brandy New Member

    Apr 13, 2009
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    Yes, those were both kids.

    Here's a list of verified attacks in California, there are a few others in So. Cal., but like you said, mostly kids. There is one 56 year old woman at Cuyamaca and a 27 year old man in the San Gabes.
  15. Yves

    Yves New Member

    Dec 22, 2009
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    I ride solo 90 percent of the time. Most times I go up into Monrovia Canyon. I do not go up to White Saddle alone after seeing a picture years ago of 3-4 lions hanging out up there (really rare shot too). I see a ton of deer in Monrovia Canyon, almost too many at times and I wonder at what that may indicate in lion population. hmm... this thread makes me want to pack my knife, pick up a bear bell and some type of spray. Maybe I will start going back to Chantry. I always felt there was no animal danger there. Although there are other dangers that loom there.

    I would not mind finding a more regular riding partner. Most of my friends I ride with are on odd days here and there. So when I want to go, I just head out the door. There is a lady I see coming down Monrovia Canyon just as I am heading up. I would not mind riding with her or riding at about the same time.

    Which brings me to another point. Someone once told me it was good to greet other hikers or riders (especially in the less frequented areas) because it is a good way to break the ice in case something happens. So many people give the snob ignore stare when one says hello. How awkward would it be if they needed help after being a d-bag.

    Oh, the only encounter we had was may 13 years ago in Marshall Canyon. My wife (gf at the time) and I were out for a morning walk and on the way back we hear a big tussle in the bush and a bird squawking. I turned and saw feathers go up in the air and a mountian lion's body from the side. Never saw the head. And we did not stick around as it growled and we just continued out of the area (did not run). I think he had just caught his breakfast and was warning us to stay away.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 30, 2009
  16. DirtymikeTDB

    DirtymikeTDB Guest

    Mixture of hiking and riding over the last ten years. Talk to the rangers in the area, look at tehr eyes when they tell you there isnt any in the area.... That will really tell you. ALot just dont want people to know how many are out there. Orange county, The san Gabes, and the San jacinto Mtns have more than their fair share of cats out there.

    Go to the store and resturaunt in AO, youll see the pics people post up there, they list the locations, and times of the sighting, along with photos.

    Only thing that has ever attacked me while either hiking or riding was Bobcats, and it was becaus ethey were startled, got a swipe and they ran off.

    Truth be absolutly said..... Most people that hike or ride HAVE ENCOUNTERED either bears or Mtn lions.... they just dont realize it. Tehy litterally walk or ride underneath them, or right beside them on the trail as they hide in wait. Thats why noise is your friend, if your making a nice rachet<cow bell> they dont know what to make of you, and play it safe and wait for something else to come by. Go hike spring trail soemtime at box springs, take a look at teh grass's off the trail. You can see were they have attacked and made their kills in the torn up grasses.

    ALso there is ALOT of reports up there of people hiking with there dogs off leash<this pisses me off anyways> only to have the dog either in front of them or behind just around a corner, hear some kind of a scuffle never to see there dogs again. They never even see it happen.
  17. osmarandsara

    osmarandsara Active Member

    Mar 16, 2007
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    When I broke my tib/fib in '06 while riding solo I was coming down Two first thought was to get my A%% off that trail ASAP instead of waiting around for help......

    fortunately it is all DH (mostly) so I was able to ride the bike to the trail-head and back to civilization.....

    It was kind of risky, I could have crashed again causing more serious damage, but Kitties are known to take the weak, injured, and aged first (all which applied to me )#-o
  18. Pain Freak

    Pain Freak Dead or Alive

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    Yes, in the OC this is considered a mountain lion....

  19. genusmtbkr5

    genusmtbkr5 STR Moderator

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  20. DirtymikeTDB

    DirtymikeTDB Guest

    If you want, you can move my posts there, and leave a link were I posted here....... Sorry I dont pay enough attention, My bad
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 30, 2009

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