Thanks taco jack 4 the info. I know yer post 4 people in yer area yesterday and i responded with herky creek,have u ridden there? rich
Hello Jack, I kind of fell off the face of the Earth. I am headed down to Vail Lake around 7:00pm this evening if you are interested. I am hoping that it will start to cool off by then.
Thanks for your time today. Hope I didn't slow you down too much!! If you are so inclined, let me know if you want a riding partner. Again Thanks! Glen Wilson
I won't be getting home until after 5. I may ride down to Meadowview after dinner. Maybe I'll see you. Steve
Jack, Thanks again for showing me around. It was neat riding some stuff I never would have found on my own. I just hope I didn't slow you down too much. Let me know if you want a riding partner again. Steve