Tire feedback; so I have been shopping around lately and remembering you were planning on the XC in D-ville. Since it's mostly uphill the WTB wolverine is just about perfect for weight, traction and climbing I just can't seem to hear enough good things. The DH treads I reccomended earlier stick like paint but are overkill for XC. Personally I went to slightly lower volume for our dusty local conditions but the tread height on the Exi-wolfs makes up for the difference and the rolling is slightly faster.
Hi sdyeti cool blog...awsome pants. this is Billy from Preskit AZ just a heads up we don't have a lot of D/H trails here but you might like trail 40 the Clark springs Tr. in granite basin it has some gnarly drops. just be sure to ride it from west to east (i don't think you'll want to climbing that thing) feel free to PM me if you would like some more info or links. anyway...have a great day maybe we'll see you in Prescott Billy and Christi