Go Go
Last Activity:
Mar 5, 2012
Mar 20, 2008
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Jun 4, 1962 (Age: 62)
Laguna Niguel
Making Craig dinner

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Go Go

New Member, 62, from Laguna Niguel

Go Go was last seen:
Mar 5, 2012
    1. Go Go
      Go Go
      Hi Girlie!
    2. pamela
      just stopping by to say... HI@!!!!!!
    3. Elisheva
      Sorry we will miss you!!!
    4. Go Go
      Go Go
      No problem, we ended up riding peters canyon instead, feeling pretty lazy myself Sunday. Lets ride together soon. Take Care.
    5. mtnkitty
      Margo! Sorry I didn't show up for the Whiting ride. I ended up sleeping until 1PM - seems I was pretty beat from the day before, and I didn't even ride. Haha
    6. Go Go
      Go Go
      I just found out today Craig can't go on the camping trip at the end of Feb. because he has a business trip scheduled now. I am so bummed. I really wanted to go.
    7. roger
      Hi Margo. Lenny and I are thinking of taking the kids to Pt. Mugu. Would you let me know if you guys are going or not when find out for certain?
    8. Go Go
      Go Go
      Sounds good. Hope she can ride with us soon.
    9. andy aka rut
      andy aka rut
      It was fun riding into you all tonight. Hopefully we can get you and Heather to ride together. That would be way cool!!!!
    10. Go Go
      Go Go
      more like tangerines, ha ha.....
    11. CalEpic
      Are you smuggling grapefruits in that jersey?
    12. Elisheva
      margo, are you riding blackstar tomorrow night? I hope you can. I am also looking for a light to borrow. Purchased one today but won't be arriving until next week. thanks,
    13. Elisheva
      Margo, want to ride Black Star tonight at 5:45pm? Bring a light and join us if you can.
    14. pamela
      Hi... I hope you and Jordi had fun at Aliso yesterday. I am doing Blackstar at 5:30 tonight if you and MR. Epic want to join. So far its a group of guys that are training for the 24 hour race and then me and CC. I will call JordiJordi and see if she is freeeeeee! lol
    15. Go Go
      Go Go
      I would love to go with you guys, I can ride next weekend, I have a rack now or next week during the week but we have friends coming to help us move and we have to move all day. Thanks again, Take Care.
    16. pamela
      I know your moving this weekend but TrojanInsomniac and a few other are coming down Sat and just wondering if you and Mr Epic want to take a break and go for a ride in Aliso... maybe we can get you some movers out of it... shhhhhhh... ;);););)
    17. Go Go
      Go Go
      Sounds good. I had fun riding with you too. Craig is going to be out of town this week until Thursday so I'm trying to ride this week but I don't have a bike rack, so email me if you want to go together this week. Take care. Margo
    18. pamela
      Great riding with you again on Saturday. Hopefully I will see you and MrCalEpic at Fully Loop on Thursday or Taco Tues.
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  • About

    Jun 4, 1962 (Age: 62)
    Laguna Niguel
    Making Craig dinner
    My husband's
    hiking, boating and I guess biking now

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