Well goodness-gracious, you are alive,yaaay:). I hope your not suffering too much as I'm typing. The peak in summer ugh! Did a ride with str yesterday, a kinda going away ride/party for Johnnydirt. Tajeras/Trabuco Arroyo, nearly 40peeps. Good to hear from you Beth and take care. Steve
I remember where I met u the first time now! it was at cooks on new years after i did a night ride with john early and a few other riders.
Yeah I know.Didn't hit Fully that much,but have been riding.Problems with my mom.My sister and I finally had to put her in a home.I would not wish dementia on anybody!Also wife was in the hospital for 3-weeks in the summer,due to a hand infection.We did make it up to Bend,Oregon.Grreeaatt riding up there.I saw some of your posts and pix.Looks like your really stepping up your riding.How are your children doing,still riding?Going to Rut's halloween ride on the 23'd?If so I'll see you then.
Yeah, but instead of starting at B* at 5:30 am, I'd be inclined to start at Maple Springs later in the morning and ride over to Holy Jim.
your so funny! Hey im doing your out the door ride at 4pm with my sister. Come catch us. 4 at fire station!
We can always train with Kevin and pretend we're going to ride the CC! I just didn't want to spend the $$. After Downieville, $85 to compete on what is mainly fire road, I'm kinda over it.
Gabe and I both missed sign up. He actually tried and I slept. LOL Would like to do the long rides and if a space opens up then I'd consider buying if I feel like I can do it.
No, I lost track of the date and didn't register for the VQ. I'm looking to get into road racing, so I'm not too bummed about not getting a spot. I'll probably do it in 2011.
Yea, just been relaxing, haven't been on the bike in a couple months. Back to classes Monday :(. How is your summer going?
Busted! I was checking out your Israeli fighter jet. I'm a sucker for planes. I finally got my carbon Yeti and am enjoying it very much. I've been to Krakow, Malta and Montana this summer but will be staying put for a while. Some sailing, not much else really.