What type of cross training do you do?

Discussion in 'Racing and Training' started by solo_rider, Jan 3, 2010.

  1. solo_rider

    solo_rider New Member

    Dec 23, 2007
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    This season I plan on incorporating some cross training into my regimen. I think most people would atain miles on the bike tends to be a grind after a while. At least, thats how it is for me. It encourages me to take an "extended break" from my training plan, and by the time I get back on the bike my legs feel strong but it seems like my cardio went off a cliff.

    So that said, what type of cross training do you guys do and what benefit do you receive from the exercise?
  2. MohammedInABearSuit

    MohammedInABearSuit Sticks and Stones...

    Feb 15, 2008
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    I in-line skate and do pilates.

    I find the pilates to be a good "counter" to my biking and a strong core certainly helps the riding.

    I inline skate because I really enjoy the paths along the beach. I also am better able to work my lower heart rate zones on the skates.
  3. Kid A

    Kid A now with 40% more bacon

    Jul 8, 2006
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    working 4 da man
    O 2 da C
    In line sk8 & pilates. Holy cr@p. I can't wait until Gabe reads and responds to ur post :p. J/k brutha...there's nothing wrong with that :p

    for me cross training consists on tv, beer, & wings.

    Hand eye coordination with remote and tv. Curls with beers and sprints to the head after hot sauce ravages my insides.

    If I want to push it I drink in excess and work on my core via tightening my stomach muscles puking my brains out. On recover days I ride.

    Been really pushing my training thusfar in 2010 with minimal off days (hense no riding :( ) .

    let me know if u want a training partner to this highly rigorous, err rigomortus (s&p?) training

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