Ride Report VQ Training Ride on Horsethief

Discussion in 'Ride Reports' started by ThinkFast, Jan 8, 2007.

  1. ThinkFast

    ThinkFast Member

    Sep 17, 2006
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    South Orange County
    RR: VQ Training Ride on Horsethief

    Route: Horsethief - Horsethief (2x)

    [FONT=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]
    Riders: JCBikeski (John), Winger (Andrew), Granny Ring (Peter), Hermitologist (Matt), Mark and Me.

    Fortunately for us the strong wind from the night before had died down. The ride up Trabuco was warm up time with a little chit chat. It was nice to meet John. The rest of us had met through GeoLadders and ride together pretty regular. Once we got to the single track John set a good pace and we all followed. Because of the strong winds the last couple days there was a lot of foliage on the trail. In some areas you couldn't see the trail underneath.

    Horsetheif was deceiving. Most of it looked like it should have been rideable. However, it was just steep enough, and loose enough, that we went back and forth from riding, trying to ride, or hiking, most of the trail. The trail also has some real steep and tight switchbacks! We did more hiking than riding the first time up. Hiking in stiff soled cycling shoes made for a calve burning experience. The top portion, 1/2 mile or so, was smooth and rideable and it was nice to be on the bike again.

    Main divide to Trabuco trail was a nice relief. Mostly down hill with a couple easy climbs. Peter led the way.

    We started Trabuco with the faster descenders in the front. That meant Mark and I at the back. I flatted in a rocky section and luckily Mark was right there. I had 2 tubes in my saddle bag but having not flatted in 7 months both of the tubes had holes worn in them! Luckily Mark had a good tube. So after the 3rd attempt we were back on the trail.

    Once we got to the Trabuco - Horsetheif junction Mark realized he didn't have time for another loop so he had to head back to the cars. Everyone else was ready to go. As we were about to get started on Horsetheif, Andrew noticed he had a flat. He changed it quickly and we were back on the bikes. Matt lead the way once we got to the steep sections and I followed. The trail seemed a little more rideable this time. Being warmed up, knowing what to expect next and the thought of not wanting to have that burning sensation in my calves hiking kept me pedaling. We rode, we hiked a little, we rode some more. Mattt and I were stoked to have riden more of the trail second time around. High fives!

    Horsetheif to Holy Jim was a little more climbing than we expected. I think it's fair to say we were all tired by this time too.

    We started down Holy Jim and saw Andy (andy aka rut) at the top of HJ. There was a tree down across the trail he was trying to clear but his chain saw was out of gas. The six of us made quick work getting the tree off the trail and we were back on the bikes. We came across a few different groups of people working the trail. Some groups we could ride by. One group had cleared so much brush we had to stop to walk over everything. At another point we had to stop again and pitch in a little more to clear off the trail, there was no way to get by. It was amazing to see how much work the Warriors Society crew did. Thank you!

    Still on HJ, back on the bikes, down the switchbacks and we reached the first water crossing. The rocks were real slippery, or we were tired after a tough ride. A couple of us slipped and got wet. John slipped and hit his chin on something, possibly his bars. OUCH! Nice gash. A butterfly bandage on the chin, courtesy of Andrew, and we were off again.

    We got to Trabuco Road and I realized I might not make an appointment I had in Laguna. I needed to be there between 1:00 and 2:00. I pushed with what was left to get to the cars as quick as I could. I just made it to my appointment.

    Another great day on the bikes with the usual crew. It was nice to meet John too.

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