City of SD's Plans for Tunnels Trails Revealed?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by EBasil, Jul 16, 2008.

  1. da big hills

    da big hills happy night trails

    Jan 2, 2011
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    daily night grind
    Conejo Valley
    This is funny stuff. They close trails for habitat restoration: this is BS. We know that certain species need different exposures. One is called disturbed soil. Example Lyons Pentachaeta is an endangered and rare plant. It is common along our ridge trails because it does not compete well with the european grasses that dominate the landscape. On disturbed soil it thrives. Same is true with gold fields, Turkish Rugging, Scarlet Pitcher Sage, I can go on and on... I throughly enjoy reading the reasons why they close areas, Cota de Caza area with its ridge trails, Pt Mugu & Arts trails etc. None of these reasons are true but they had to say something, well they are true if you like wild oat, ticks and such. Basically local trail managers do not like you and want to keep you out. Eventually they realize you are the reasons the trails stay clear and the tread smooth and clean. Sometimes they get it, like the NPS, they get it on National Recreation Lands. State Parks not so much, city of LA not at all. Funny the trails they close get choked up and most just disappear. After 80 months the european plants and mustard have captured all the trails except those that were poached at a reasonable interval.
    Happy trails, use them or watch them disappear

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