OK, first of all . . . is it ride report or ride recap? That aside, what makes a good RR? What should be included? And last but not least - who writes the best RR's? Wildcat likes Dean's RR because Dean comments puts a bit more importance on scenery. Bret makes fun of RR's when there are no action photos. I sometimes include videos and tons of photos. What do you think about some of the RR's posted? Personally I like to read about the funny or unique things that happened during a ride. Cool photos are a plus.
Pictures, plain and simple. Ride reports w/o pictures just don't have the same effect. Besides Gouge, Bret, Dean and myself there just aren't many others who regularly post RR's with pictures. I'd love to see others post more pictures from their rides, wether it just be scenery or action shots. Of course, the movies are the best of all :bang:
Pics are a must. High quality pics are especially nice. Video is a bonus. I like reading about what happened on the ride too. Double bonus for carnage. Seeing someone pull a rock out of their Camelbak really makes me laugh \\/ Some are more eloquent in their RR's and I guess that makes them a more entertaining read. If I have to click a link to see pics I usually don't bother. C
I think the best RR's are the ones written by me, because that means that I've just gone out and ridden something worth sharing.:beer:
Pics, pics, pics, and more pics. Preferably action shots and bonus points for video. Scenery is ok but the shot of someone climbing a boring fireroad should be excluded. A short write up if anythng unusual happened during the ride would be helpfull; crash, broken parts, etc.
I don't need pictures as long as I've been on the trail they're describing. I just like good stories and updates as to conditions. That being said, I still like to look at the pix.
You know, my trouble is that I'm not fast enough to take anything but boring pics of the fireroad climb or shots of me by myself, most times. I'd love to get ahead and shoot people zooming by on the bitchen singletrack downhill but I'm usually busy trying not to make everybody else wait too long and not crash. I like RRs that have pics, too. And good stories about something cool that happened. Sometimes nothing happens but people had a good time. And that's good too.
yeah i like vids and fat pics too. mine suck just becuase i try to get everyhting out as fast as possible but my material is better than all y'alls so vid quality or RR quality in my book
Good topic Gouge! RideReports can be quite an artform. I think a good combination of pictures and descriptive writing really makes for an entertaining reading/viewing experience. Like Gouge said, I prefer to see action shots of some good technical singletrack or obstacles/stunts. It's not that I dont care for the shots of everyone standing around after a long climb, many of those shots have great scenery and I appreciate them, but I do enjoy seeing someone riding down a gnarly section, or hucking off something crazy. Videos are always a plus and are considered a "bonus" in my opinion. The only downside to video is that 99.99% of the time they really downplay the technical aspects of what is being ridden. Steppie does post some pretty amazing pix, and I know he does many rides solo, so he can't post action shots. I also know sometimes it is hard to stop, find the right angle, and shoot. Many times we are all having too much fun descending to want to stop and take pix. With all that said, keep the ride reports flowing. (preferably with pix and videos).
I'll agree, pictures help and carnage is always entertaining. Although, my heart does go out to those who suffer for our satisfaction.
Legal Question... If any portion of the ride you rode was illegal or a poached trail, should you be posting RR's on that particular ride? Is this considered condoning illegal behavior on STR? Or should the complete ride be a "clean" and legal ride before posting a RR on it. Is the Administration willing to go to bat for condoning illegal behavior on a public site? What are the responsibilities of the poster for doing so, and what are the responsibilities of the readers if they know the ride was illegal? Not here to stir the pot, more for some specific guidelines that would be helpful for the owner to spell out.
Whenever a post is made about an illegal trail, they're deleted. If they're not, that just means a mod hasn't seen it or doesn't know it's illegal. In that case point it out and PM a mod
Not again..... Looks like we need to lock this one too!!! I suggest you send a PM to the owner and ask your questions!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Just drink some Koolaid and take a nap.
I like to approach a RR like writing a magazine article... try to make it entertaining, informative, and relevant. I realize that I ride trails that many others may have not, so it's nice to think I'm inspiring others to check out a new trail, or let others know what else is out there and possible, as well as how to prepare for a new trail. In my short time on STR (less than a year), I've done several with video, and I've always been into photography so that's never a problem.
Dude- can't you let it go??!?? As noted in the locked thread, you must have been a hall monitor in elementary school.... also kudos to LBmtb for a clear, concise response. now are we done on this topic?
i think this says it all? i think a good RR is something that touches on all aspects of the ride... even the people who are on it... unique is the best though... but always needs the updated physical aspects of the trail. especially any new warnings for other riders...