I just signed up for April 5th, April 19th, May 10th(tentatively), and June 21st. I'd like to be able to attend all of the classes/work days, but a couple of those back to back weekends were too hard to schedule around.
I'm doing this for two reasons, 1st to show that we're not the bunny killing, elderly trampling, child scaring, horse spooking, apathetic about nature bastids the hiker/horsey nutjobs claim we are. But even more importantly I'm doing this for me. This is a great opportunity to learn some good trail maintenance techniques, get some exercise, and work with people who share the same passion as myself. The skills I pick up at these classes, will only make me more helpful for volunteer work in other venues outside of PV. So even if you don't ride regularly in PV, you might take this opportunity to help yourself be more productive when it comes time to help the trails near and dear to you.