Ladd Jasper
Last Activity:
Feb 22, 2019
Feb 12, 2005
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Russia, with love

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Ladd Jasper

Full speed, half blind, from Russia, with love

Ladd Jasper was last seen:
Feb 22, 2019
    1. kyle M
      kyle M
      n!ce seein u yesterday Dale... Hope to bomb some hills with u soon ;)
    2. Mtnbkrdr98
      I would like to delete my profile please. I don't see where to do it? I see the response gotten from most people when I post something that is NOT personally attacking to anyone, and regardless of how I feel about that-it is what it is. I also feel I made a mistake posting in where part of my post was harsh on a geographic location. Best to just delete my profile/existence on this board community, don't U think?
      Please delete my profile.
    3. Mtnbkrdr98
      Maybe I should request to have this post deleted? It wasn't my intention to alienate anybody or to make a bad impression. Maybe I should have just left in silence, lol. Should delete?
    4. oarpaddlecombo
      Hey man, great riding with you on Sunday, thanks again for drivin...hopefully soon again!
    5. blindman_22
      Hey Dell (sp?). thanks again for taking the time teaching us yesterday at the clinic. i can't believe how much i picked up from you. btw how much was that skewer? ;)
    6. Giddy
      Hey its gettee i was talking to you last night did you say you would be up for blackstar? if so 6am ish tomorrow??
    7. Ladd Jasper
      Ladd Jasper
      Sent you a PM, Russ. My response was too long for this message system.
    8. singletrackbrain
      hi dell
      thanks so much for the info! we are planning to leave a vehicle where the cemetary is or by the turn off to the gooseberry road. i rode a tiny bit of the top of the trail last time i was there. there is a semi-secret single track that heads down into anout of a river valley/wash and eventually ends out by the windmill loop on gooseberry- have you done or found that one?
      ever ridden any of the red bull lines across the way? monkey something i think
      on the grafton trail- are there cairns to mark the line? how about where the HAB starts and ends? any other info is much appreciated!
    9. singletrackbrain
      heading to goose berry this weekend. been riding there for 15 years and never hit the grafton trails. the trail that is in the video on one of the posts about grafton mesa- you said requires a 10 minute hike a bike. can you give me details how to find it? or is it easily found?
      thanks! russ
    10. OpusKat
      Hey Del,
      I'm going to Zion next week, and thought Toby said you went or are there right now. I plan on doing Slickrock Swamp and taking my friend and his son to Gooseberry. Do you have a ride report?

      Thanks, todd
    11. andy aka rut
      andy aka rut
      Hey Ladd man! Did you pull the thread about jump building? Just curious.
    12. big al
      big al
      Thanks so much for showing us around today. Had a great time. Again if your ever looken for a ride buddy, I'll do my best to free some time. -Alex
    13. nerdgirl
      Is that your Ventana? Oooh! You sure got a pretty bike! :)
    14. ocrider
      Good luck and have fun at the VQ Dell! hope you come home with a feather!!
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    Russia, with love


    I'm a reasonable man, get off my case.


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