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  • although i just bought a cane creed db air cs for the ibis and road it this morning for the first time..... amazing bike....just like to sell while resell value is still good
    looking to build a santa cruz nomad with similar parts the new 650b one....just bored i have a santa cruz tallboy 2014 as well.... i enjoy building the bike
    Sounds good bud ya been trying to ride alot as I've been gaining weight drinkin beer workin on the house just surfed now about to ride crystal cove ill hit u up
    hey man Im also in long beach. im not a pro rider but I do enjoy hitting some of the local trails. shoot me a message next time maybe we can meet up and hit some trails. My wife bought our house 3 years ago. It was a MAJOR fixer upper. I did a lot of the work myself and also hired out a few jobs I couldn't do. I can provide lots of referrals if needed.
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