Turnbull Canyon Trail Closure

Discussion in 'Trail Conditions' started by tandem, Sep 25, 2012.

  1. tandem

    tandem New Member

    Apr 25, 2009
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    Whittier, CA
    Just a heads up, tried to ride Turnbull Canyon this morning at 8am but a part of the trail, specifically the Turnbull Canyon Trail was closed starting at the Beverly Blvd entrance (Marked A on the map below). The trail marked in red is the only portion closed so you can still enter from the 7th Ave Side, Greenleaf Side or Skyline Drive Side.

    Screen shot 2012-09-25 at 3.43.25 PM.jpg

    Signs posted stated that it will be closed till Sept. 29. "Construction" people there at the entrance didn't let anyone pass, whether hiker or biker.

    Reason for the closure HERE
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 25, 2012
  2. ohyeah89


    Nov 8, 2007
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    Water Biologist
    North Whittier
    Here is more info from the Habitat Authority if you are interested:

    "For your information...The Turnbull riparian mitigation restoration project for PXP Oil has started, and will cause intermittent trail closures for 2-3 weeks.

    It's hard to give exact trail closure hours... however, they will be moving the excavator in at 7:00 AM from the staging area on Monday. Once the silt fence is put in place, they will begin felling trees onto the trail. We estimate the trail will be inaccessible somewhere in the range of 9:00-3:00 but this depends on how fast the landscapers can move and if any unforeseen circumstances allow them to get the trail cleared sooner or later. So it’s safer to say that the trail will be closed all day Monday or at least until 4 pm. We anticipate the closure time period will be similar for the next 3-4 days expected to get these large trees out however, there may be more chances available to allow people to get by the equipment without the risk of harm (so the trail on those days won’t be completely closed for the entire time).
    Trail closure signs will be up on Friday explaining trail closures all five days next week and will have trail monitors in position both up and down-trail of the equipment to halt users, explain the situation, and help them find an alternate route.

    The project will restore 1.35 acres of habitat for coastal CA Gnatcatcher and riparian birds. Peppers, eucalyptus and black locust trees will be removed, and replaced with cottonwoods, willows, sycamores and mulefat."

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