Just Another SART Vid

Discussion in 'The Roadie Hangout' started by Mr. Beanz, Jan 28, 2014.

  1. Mr. Beanz

    Mr. Beanz Member

    Oct 28, 2009
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    Having fun with the front and rear recorders working on my video creating skills he he he! Gina, Jose and I Picking up a few riders here and there.

    For those that don't know, we start at Orangewood (fire station) then ride inland toward Imperial, turn around then head back to the coast. Leaving the final stretch of 12 miles hoping for a tailwind back.

    We do the ride in this order because during the summer we would start anywhere from Imperial, Weir or Greenriver leaving us in the hot sections during the afternoon. Gina would get headaches so this way we ride the hot dry section in the morning before it gets too hot and we'd be at the cooler coastal air in the later hours. I only bring this up after another rider told me he was dong the same thing for his wife. So if your wife gets headaches in the heat like mine :)

    Music ride video, nobody out there to talk with on this ride :-( Plus we were in a hurry to get home thinking about trading in Gina's 2012 CX7 for a new 2014 CX9, we did and she's happy!


  2. Mr. Beanz

    Mr. Beanz Member

    Oct 28, 2009
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    ...and I'm happy cause I got a new chain and cassette! :p


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