I need some loaner gear for a 24 Hour race...can anyone help?

Discussion in 'Racing and Training' started by CruIsRad!, May 3, 2006.

  1. CruIsRad!

    CruIsRad! New Member

    Oct 3, 2005
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    Hey gang,

    My teammate and I were going over gear lists and I realized that I am missing a few essentials. Trouble is, I am flat broke. So, I thought I'd throw my "need list" up here in case anyone could loan me some things for a weekend (Mother's Day weekend, May 13-14). Here's the list...

    - LIGHTS, or old battery packs (I don't care what brand, style, etc.)
    - Padded shorts or tights (got any old lycra shorts with padding? I'll take em!)
    - Legwarmers
    - Cold weather riding tops, long sleeve shirts or jerseys

    If you have anything I could use, just let me know. I will take very good care of anything borrowed. Thanks in advance!

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