Coming back

Discussion in 'Rider Down' started by stevers, Sep 12, 2014.

  1. stevers

    stevers Member

    Apr 3, 2009
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    Ok, this isn't really a "rider down" post, but it is health related.

    I've been out of the biking scene for a while. I've done less than 10 rides in the last 3 years. In that time, I've been suffering from acute arthritis in the ankles, likely from gout or early rheumatoid arthritis. Seen 3 specialists and still no conclusive diagnosis, but I suffer from a few attacks per year. Each attack ranges from 1 to 10 weeks, with lingering pain for another 2-3 weeks. I've gained 30lbs from an already obese 250lbs to 280lbs. Hell or high water, I need to dredge through the pain and get back on the trails.

    Anyone have experience with swelling feet/ankles? Do you just have different size shoes to accommodate?
  2. mike001

    mike001 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2011
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    Wishing you minimal down time and discomfort, stevers.

    I don't have undue swelling, just an old injury. I get get good results from a 661 brand ankle brace, fwiw. I'd think that, with a burly brace like that plus athletic tape where you need it, you could get some good compression and immobilization.

    Aspirin still works wonders for inflammation for me, but in the past I've used 'scrip cox 2 inhibitors when I needed more. I would stay away from any analgesic (pain killer) type drugs.

    As always, ice/icy water is magic. Staying hydrated always seems to make my back feel better, not sure if that's mental
    or not.

    Stay positive, and be patient!

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